  • Optimum Health the PALEO WAY - Claire Yates BHSc

Optimum Health the PALEO WAY - Claire Yates BHSc

Paperback.  Very good condition.  2013

In Optimum Health the Paleo Way, Paleo nutritionist Claire Yates explains clearly why bad health is on the increase and how the Paleo lifestyle (not `diet') can help. 

You'll also discover the truth about fats, carbs, protein and fibre, and how you can use 'food as medicine' to improve and then maintain your health.

By following the 28-day reset protocol, you'll be able to design an individual Paleo food plan that works for you, and with over 100 delicious recipes to try -  you'll soon be feeling great while eating some of the tastiest food of your life!
  • $10.00