Fast Fresh and Unbelievably Delicious - Matt Preston
Paperback. Very good condition. 2013
My new cookbook is full of recipes for stuff that is quite simply delicious, and that I cook for my family and friends. It's a wee bit different from my first book in that the dishes are fresher, lighter, healthier... Well, that was the idea.
I then suggested all those naughty, over-the-top dishes that I also love. These had to go into a sealed section because, like a Bangkok nightclub act, they are just a little too full-on for the delicate stomachs of some, and for the good of your health. That section is sealed for your own safety. Please resist opening it if you are a helpless slave to your passions.
In short, this book is like me. It starts out with really good intentions for a while until it is overwhelmed by temptation and then, quite frankly, once self-control is gone it turns into a bit of an orgiastic free-for-all. Good times! Welcome to the Pleasure Dome, my friends, please grab a fork. Matt Preston.